
We attended the Lavenderfest at Damali Lavender and Winery. Located about an hour up the island from us near Cobble Hill, Damali is in the Cowichan Valley, one of the warmer sections of the island. They grow lavender commercially to use in products such as soaps and scented oils, and they also grow grapes for their winery in the relatively warm climate.

Once a year, just prior to the lavender harvest, they hold their Lavenderfest, hosting local craft and food vendors and showing off their beautiful lavender fields. We were able to enjoy their fields, taste their lavender-infused wine, and get our lunch from a local taco truck. The chefs make their own fresh tortillas so the tacos were quite good, up to California standards.

We drove past Damali a few weeks later and indeed the lavender flowers had been harvested. We were fortunate to have seen them at their most beautiful stage at the Lavenderfest.